Thursday, July 4, 2013

A Day in the Life of a Pole Dancer (July pole blog hop)

Per the July pole blog hop, this is my IDEAL day, though it doesn't always follow this pattern. I give you, the day in the life of a pole dancer, fur baby mama!

In the morning I wake up to wiggly pups. Sometimes they start trying to wake me up earlier than my alarm clock, but lately they have been good boys and let me sleep until my alarm clock goes off. After that, KISSES!

Meet Gryphon(dor)

and Butters (aka Pig)

Next we wait for my dog to find the right potty spot. With their tummies full, we take the boys out to potty, which isn't always that simple. One of my dogs is really picky, so waiting for him to find that perfect spot is sometimes a hassle.

Griffy makes walks a little difficult sometimes...

If it's the weekend, we either bike the pups or take them for a nice walk. We have some bike attachments to allow a dog to safely bike next to us. We also have a few bike paths near our house. The boys love biking. They SCREAM as we are hooking them up. I'm sure my neighbors are like"wtf is that noise?" It is a really effective way to poop them out. Every time we bike them, I see people chuckling at us. The dogs are stronger than they look. They actually pull us most of the time, so we don't even have to pedal!

The boys pooped after a nice bike run

If it's the weekday, I get ready for work. I try to eat a healthy vegan breakfast, and sneak some chia seeds into my meals for my Omega-3's. YUM! I go to my part time office job, then get home around 12:30 to eat lunch and snuggle with my pups.

While at home, I either nap, read, sew or draw. It really depends on my mood and how tired I am. Some days I will plow through an entire book, other days I'll work on a drawing or painting for several hours, I sometimes work on my leg warmers, though a lot of the time I need a nap. I am tired quite frequently, so long naps are a frequent thing for me.

My favorite books, young adult fantasy!

I named this one "Mayor Bee" (bonus points if you know what that's from)

Hello, Dexter Morgan...

I thought this was funny. Griffy was just laying there with his tongue out.

 After I rejuvenate through a nap, I am now rested and ready to fight with my pole. I've been poling for 5 years, but you wouldn't know it. I can't pole nearly as often as I would like, but I do enjoy the time that I get to spend with my pole. I may be progressing slower than everyone else, but that's okay. I do what I can do. Sometimes I skip pole and do lyra or aerial yoga instead.

HOT BATH! I am currently trying to de-stress myself, so I am taking almost daily baths to relax, compete with my homemade bath salts! I actually have started making a bunch of my own stuff, like lotion and deodorant. I am trying to cut out synthetic chemicals. Yay to REAL soap!

Every time I take a bath, my dog is right there with his head resting on the side of the tub. Sometimes I have to scold him for trying to lick water off of me, or drinking water out of the tub. He's my little shadow.

Stretch, foam roll, etc. I have pirifomis syndrome, in addition to a tight upper body, so a daily regime of foam rolling, tennis balling my back, and digging into my neck with a back buddy is in order. I have to make sure to hid my tennis ball from my dog, who will steal it if I look away for a second.

My torture devices

Griffy eyeing my ball

this is actually my mom's dog Bosco stretching

cook dinner: Since I work part time, while my man is in grad school, I am in charge of feeding him. I try to be healthy...most of the time...unless I have a migraine, then it's takeout for us! This is my homemade vegan lasagna that everyone seems to love.

After dinner we play with our dogs. They are chill during the day, but once daddy gets home they get frisky.

Butters is secretly part cat

The evening is the time to relax. We do this by watching our favorite shows. Lately these have included: Peep Show,  Q.I., (to learn interesting things), Big Bang, True Blood, Dexter, Heroes, A Bit of Fry & Laurie, That Mitchell and Webb Look, etc. Seriously, British comedy is awesome!

During our TV time, I sometimes sneak in doing my nails, of which I write about on my other blog.

Sometimes Griffy gets a jazzy nail too!

Aaaand bedtime! Sleep, my favorite activity. My dogs know when it is bed time and they lead us into our bedroom for sleepy time. I love it when they bark in their sleep!

my mom's dog Bosco

My mom's dog Kona

I'd like to say that my days follow this schedule often, but it doesn't. I suffer from chronic debilitating migraines, which take over many days of my life. Many days I end up curled up on the couch with my face mashed into a pillow and trying to sleep through the pain. The following day I am fairly worn out and useless, so no poling. I am also chronically tired. If I am lucky, I can pole 1 day a week. I do try to stretch most days.

I SHOULD be adding studying into my schedule, but the thought of studying...*shudder.* Soon I guess...


  1. I love how much time and love you give to your pets. It makes me happy to hear about well taken care of fur babies. :)

  2. If they feel ignored, they'll start to pester you, so there is no ignoring those two!

  3. That lasagna and salad looks delicious! And I'm glad you are not hard on yourself because of life interrupting your pole practice--that Aysha (I think that's the name of it) on your pole sleeve is making me jealous.

    xo adAstra @Flexines

  4. Aww, I love Vampire Academy (and all other YA too)! :) I got to meet Richelle Mead at Book Expo last month, and had a hard time not fangirling all over her :P

    1. I love Richelle Mead too! I am in love with VA and Bloodlines. I still need to read her other series'
