Thursday, October 10, 2013

Why do you hate me 2012?

So 2012 has been interesting for me. It did have it's good side, but boy did it have it's bad side!

Lets start with the bad...

This year I have injured myself more times than I have EVER injured myself in my lifetime. Some of it was pole related, some not. Almost all of them have hindered my progress in pole though.

This summer I did something stupid, and it taught me to ALWAYS USE MY CRASH MAT! I always use my crash mat, but the ONE time I didn't, I fell out of a bow and arrow, landing on the side of my head and shoulder. That move is now on my NEVER AGAIN list..

This is what my shoulder looked like after the fall...I hate to think what my head looked like...

Next my cutlery decided that I was evil and needed to lose a finger, so my bread knife attacked me...okay it didn't really, but it did bite me when I was putting something into the dish dryer. I have now vowed to use the dishwasher for my knives and they are going FACE DOWN! The cut was bleeding...a lot, so I sat there for quite a while trying to get it to stop. Now, I can handle blood. I spent 2 years working in the lab with animal serum, and I took a phlebotomy course which required me to draw blood and have mine drawn (we had to practice on each other.) I can handle gross things, if it is not related to me (even having my blood drawn makes me dizzy sometimes.) Well, I uncovered my finger to examine the damage and nearly passed out several times. My fiancee told me to stick a bandage on it, even though I really thought it needed stitches. That is a man's solution to everything I suppose. It kept popping open so I decided to go to urgent care and have them look at it. I ended up needing two stitches (I told you so!) I will say that the numbing shot hurts!!! It didn't even numb my finger fully so I felt the needle when they stitched me up, which was not as bad as the numbing shot...

Over the holiday weekend I was doing laundry. I went to fill up the little laundry cup with detergent, somehow dropped it, and when the cup hit the floor the detergent shot up RIGHT INTO MY EYE! I started blindly searching for the tub handle so I could rinse my eye out. I looked in the mirror after rinsing and my eye was all dilated. I seriously looked like I was having a stroke. Went to urgent care to find that EVERYONE chose to get sick/injured that day and there was a 2 hour wait so they sent me to the ER. My eye is okay. Apparently your pupil can go into shock if you even rub your eye too much. Oye.

I ended up developing tendinitis in my left wrist. Too many attempts at the superman I suppose...apparently my forearm, hand, and wrist were not strong enough. Each time it flared up I had to take 1-2 weeks off of the pole, and it did flare up several times. In the meantime I would use my powerballgrip master, and wrist exercises on StudioVeena to strengthen those areas.

I also managed to:

  • strain my neck doing a reverse somersault/shoulder roll
  • anger my SI joint through physical therapy exercises for my gluts/snapping hips (oye)
  • developed hip and low back issues from sitting too much (desk job)
  • bruise a rib from going into an inside leg hang...either I'm doing it wrong, or my little elf torso isn't meant to go straight into that move.
  • strain something is my upper back from stretching... seriously, stretching. UH!
On top of that I am a chronic migraine sufferer and have been for close to 10 years now. They have been getting progressively worse over the years to me getting them anywhere from once to four times per week (WOOOOOOOO!) Laying on the couch vomiting while crying "just let me die" sorta keeps you off the pole.

Through all of this, I have still managed to see some progress in pole, though not nearly as much or as quickly as I would like. 

In the non-injury related curses, my dog managed to get out of my apartment on the hottest day of the year. Guys, I live on the top floor, so either my dog is Houdini,  he can fly, or he sneaked past us out the front door. Either way, he made it out and I got to run around the neighborhood (which let me tell you, I cannot run) looking for that little booger. Thank goodness for dog tags, cuz I got a call from a kid asking if I lost my dog. Turns out the little booger ran out of our complex, down the street, crossed a busy road, and went to the pool in a trailer park. I kept telling my man we needed an air conditioner. That just proved my point!

Now onto the good:

My rock it stand came yesterday for my omni gym. I am still waiting for the swing part to arrive so I can summon my inner child and hang upside down, i.e. practicing aerial yoga. Once it's here I can let you guys know more about it. I'm so excited! There is something enticing about hanging upside down isn't there?

I managed to get up to an advanced poler level (around the beginning of level 4.) Let me tell you, I started poling 4 years ago, so many many people have surpassed me in progress, but it has not gotten me down. I'm still improving and that's something. I still think I probably set a record in the slowest progression in pole EVER!

I got an open hips front split on my dominant side. That may not seem like much, but it is a big deal to me. I have not EVER had any kind of split before, so I am happy with the increase in flexibility. It took me almost a year to get to this point. Hopefully I will have square hips in the split by next Christmas. I am still working on my middle splits and the other side front splits. We'll see how those go...

Seems 2012 wasn't exactly my year. Lets hope 2013 is my lucky number and I'll nail all my goals...and the knives will stop eyeing my fingers...

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