Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Exercising at home

*Note: Always consult a physician before starting a new exercise program. Always be safe and stay within your body's limits. Listen to your body. What works for me, may not work for others.

Trying to find time to exercise in our hectic lives can be difficult; often very difficult. I am guilty of not exercising enough. Between my job, my errands, my family, and migraines, exercising often takes a back door. It also takes a lot of effort for me to leave the house to go workout. That takes time; time that I don't have. Due to this, I decided I needed to find a way to workout at home, in my apartment. So far, this is what I have found that helps me get in a workout at home.

Fitness Blender
I really like this website. They have full workout routines in which you can filter by level, type, parts of the body used, etc. I love their tabata-style workouts! They are quick, hard, and effective. The stairs up to my place become my nemesis the next day. The workouts are free!

This website has so many resources for a healthy lifestyle. Cassey has a ton of workouts! They are grouped by body focus: abs, back butt, etc and type: HIIT, cardio, etc. Her workouts are very well rounded. I definitely felt it the next day. In addition to workouts, she provides recipes, meal plans, and fitness programs. Overall a very good resource for working out at home. The workouts are free!

The Workout Dictionary
Don't know what people are talking about when they say the names of exercises? The Workout Dictionary has you covered. They provide short video clips demoing the moves. Short, simple, and to the point. If you want to work on strength, and even flexibility, check them out to design your own workout plan. The website is free!

StudioVeena -

Have You Got Your Pole On today

Studioveena is more than just a workout site. It's a community. The site itself is free. You can discuss pole with others, upload videos and photos, and take lessons. Her lessons are very affordable and put together very well, with emphasis on proper mechanics, strength, and progression. She covers: pole, hooping, conditioning, flexibility, and routines. I will go into further detail on why I like this website in a future post.

Learn bellydance with Ansuya
I took a workshop from Ansuya many years ago. Ansuya is not only a wonderful dancer, but a good instructor. Ansuya now provides online bellydance lessons, for a monthly subscription fee, and personal skype sessions. She provides a free sample lesson for those who are curious about her lessons. These lessons are perfect for those who want to learn bellydance, but are scared to take a class. Now you can bellydance in your own home!

This youtube channel is a compilation of a ton of workout videos. Some short, some full workouts, they cover a ton of genres. One must dig through them, but there are a ton of workouts.

latin cardio - This youtube channel contains a few full classes, but they are doozies! Also contains warm ups & individual songs. I tried the level 3 class and was pouring sweat after 10 minutes. Totally fun and challenging!

Do Yoga With Me
Do Yoga with Me contains a bunch of full length and short yoga workouts. You can sort the videos by level, type of yoga, teacher, and class length.This site is great for yogis of all levels. The workouts are free!

Flexibility training with Emil
Want flexibility? Emil is one of the most flexible men I have ever seen! He provides online flexibility lessons almost daily. He covers: middle splits, front splits, back bends, forward bends, and joints. He has a tiered subscription system, so you can choose the frequency that fits your needs. 

& Daily HIIT
Body rock & daily HIIT provide workouts, programs, and challenges.Based on what I've encountered, one does need equipment for the workouts, so they are good for those with the proper tools. Their focus is HIIT, which is high-intensity interval training. Short, hard, and effective! I've had several friends who use this site. The workouts are free!

In addition to these websites, I use a bike peddler, while I'm watching TV in the evening. It's an easy way to get moving, while being lazy!

Those are what I use to workout at home. I hope these resources can help those of you out there, with hectic lives, to fit working out into your schedule. 

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